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TBS Team BlackSheep SYK Kable for FPV Goggle - RC Papa

TBS Team BlackSheep SYK Kable for FPV Goggle

Here's a new staple for any set of goggles. It's called the Syk Kable. Just press the button for 3 seconds to turn it on, and 3 seconds to turn it off.

Do you still struggle to keep the battery in your holder?
Don't want to risk a couple 18650 batteries going off near the temple of your head?

Tired of constantly plugging in and unplugging the connector from your goggles?

Here's a new staple for any set of goggles. It's called the Syk Kable. Just press the button for 3 seconds to turn it on, and 3 seconds to turn it off. Now you have the freedom to put the battery anywhere else but the side of your head, like in your pocket!! If you have an extra lipo laying around this cord will allow up to 6s input voltage to have appropriate voltage for your goggles and your fan to run, also if u just want to run with the barrel this allows you to do so!! All with the TBS peace of mind!!!

Length - 1250mm
Input Power - 2S-6S
Input Socket - 5.5x2.1 DC In (Female)
Output (Fatshark Fan) - XH 2.54 (3p)
Output - 5.5x2.1 DC Out (90d Male)

TBS Team BlackSheep SYK Kable

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